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Copy Cat's

Don't you just love when your kids copy EVERYTHING you do? This is Crystal doing squats on wii active and Liam is doing them right along with her.

As cheesy as this may sound, it's actually nice to have activities where they whole family can get involved. I can't wait to show Liam how to play Tiger Woods golf. Of course I'll need a screen protector for the TV before I even try that.

Hand me downs

Growing up I recall getting a lot of hand-me-downs. When I was old enough to understand what a hand-me-down was I hated it. As a kid it is normal to want new toys, games, shoes, etc. I liked new things and it sometimes sucked seeing friends get new things while I'd get a hand-me-down. My brother probably feels the same way. I'm sure he got my hand-me-downs. It's an endless cycle of child torture.

It just now occurred to me how great hand-me-down's are. Young people; well they are stupid and can't see the value in a hand me down. Now that I'm old and no longer stupid (my assertion is debatable by some), I truly understand the value of a hand-me-down.

Both of these plastic baby-sitters are hand-me-down's and are valuable to so many ways. Most importantly is the smiles on their face.